The Podcast

Interviews with makers, creatives, and friends. Also, strange quizzes about 80s actors.

Sandals In The Masturbatorium


This week we’re joined by Paul’s wife Tina (Twitter, Website) & we talk body functions, children and Weight Watchers.

  • While Tina & Chris discuss medication side effects, Chris admits his sugar substitutes don’t rise to the occasion of baking.

  • Paul asks Chris about his new avatar which was created by Len Peralta. You can get your own from and check out Len’s podcast, Geek a Week.

  • Oops, the conversation boiled down to arkOS, Raspberry Pi and SeaFile yet again.

  • Troubles with installing beta software leads to lots of learning. Chris has learned much about Linux and sampled a few distros. Yet, he still has much more to learn.

  • OpenBox is the amazing desktop environment/windows management for linux that has won Chris’ heart.

  • Macbook battery cycling is supposedly serious business if you want your battery to last. A lesson learned the hard way.

  • Weight Watchers points will not allow you to purchase a Behringer Ultragain Pro Mic2200. Fortunately, Paul was able to get one as a birthday gift.

  • Chris has found a way for a diabetic, and most likely a healthy mammal to commit suicide. Simply eat this pie from Red Robin.

I Divulged


Resuming our half-and-half episode format, it’s Season 2, Episode 6.

  • Chris talks about a previous show with Jonah, where he learned about Tom Cruise’s middle tooth!

  • Paul thinks Tom Cruise’s middle tooth could be the Silence.

  • Chris recommends Teeth if you’re into… you know what, don’t watch this.

  • Paul says his children are really enjoying the Hopscotch and Paper apps on the iPad.

  • Spellbounders is a iPad game recommended by a listener in the chat room.

  • Chris is using Privacy Badger, a plugin for browsers from the EFF that blocks ad trackers.

  • Want to chat without cell service? Check out FireChat.

  • ProtonMail boasts security and encryption for the average user. It’s an email service started by some CERN scientists.

  • We talk iMessage difficulties.

  • Chris uses FolderSync to sync his photos with OwnCloud. While Paul used ScannerPro to copy receipts to OwnCloud.

  • Is NFC coming to Apple? Rumor!

  • Chris admits he’s a closet reality show fan because he watches MasterChef.

  • Paul’s watching The Wil Wheaton Project.

  • Montreal Sauce has no sponsors, but they talk about all the commercials on television, OnDemand and product placement.

  • From the chat room to Paul & Chris, the world thinks Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. went from bad to decent.

  • Meanwhile, Paul is concerned with Samuel L. Jackson’s health.

  • Paul & Chris explore the Montreal Sauce history of foley sounds made with the mouth. Paul talks an awesome Star Wars parody he did & Chris talks about a parody he made of a Maya Deren film.

I Need More Cake Baking Appliances


It’s time to get back on the Sauce. This week, we’re back to Paul and Chris, Canadiéno-e-Americáno.

  • Chris vents about using PixPlant, an app to make seamless textures and maps.

  • These Futurama references to the reptilian space Pope & zombie Jesus are so quick it will take the links longer to load than to play. play.

  • SeaFile is a self-hosted drobox-like service that Paul is trying out because OwnCloud is a bit slow on the Raspberry Pi.

  • Turn your Raspberry Pi into a router? Why not, Chris is already pushing his routers with the open source dd-wrt installed on them.

  • Paul tells Chris not to worry about his routers because Samba sharing isn’t the greatest anyway.

  • As night falls in the Midwest, Paul’s picture fades to black in Skype which brings back memories of bad school portraits to Chris. Remember those reflection style portraits?

  • Chris wonders why anyone would buy a Macbook Air, but Paul thinks mobility is the reason. Who wants to lug around a 17 inch laptop these days? Here’s a Macworld article featuring one idea.

  • Chris and Paul talk screen size for working and mobile.

  • Kingdom of Loathing, a hilarious parody of RPG games that is multiplayer fun.

  • Constantine is coming to NBC in the Fall.

The Nick Fury of My Childhood is a Big Fat Lie


Once again, Jonah Bailey pops in as our guest. He is a designer, comic book fan, and Trekkie. You can find him @jonahbailey on twitter or at his own site He also blogs at Mutually Human.

The Canada Quiz!

  • Montreal Sauce Pro Tip: Don’t Go to Kansas and Say That

  • Chris randomly quizes Jonah & Paul because that’s what classy radio shows do. Who will win the coveted prize of choosing a tattoo for our imaginary sound engineer?

  • One of the quiz questions featured this Pauly Shore music video.

  • Another Paul de Leeuw hits on someone and gives out his phone number during a live broadcast.

  • The binary joke from Futurama in Spanish because our interns are lazy.

  • Special thanks to @peakwinter from #arkOS for the assist with an additional trivia question live from our chat room.

Despecialized Star Wars

Everything Else

Not In My Captain America


This is the first live episode. Well, it was live. We’re now recording every other Thursday and posting the recorded episodes every Friday night. Follow @montrealsauce, @pauld, or @sikkdays, to find out when we’re broadcasting or click the live button on the

Jonah Bailey is a designer, comic book fan and our guest this episode. You can find him on twitter, @jonahbailey or at his own site (Which, he admits, is sorely in need of an update. Don’t go there. WHY AM I EVEN LINKING THIS?)

Special thanks to @peakwinter from #arkOS for joining us in our chat room, live during the podcast. Click the live button and join the chat on the bottom of the page.