Sandals In The Masturbatorium
MP3This week we’re joined by Paul’s wife Tina (Twitter, Website) & we talk body functions, children and Weight Watchers.
While Tina & Chris discuss medication side effects, Chris admits his sugar substitutes don’t rise to the occasion of baking.
Paul asks Chris about his new avatar which was created by Len Peralta. You can get your own from and check out Len’s podcast, Geek a Week.
Oops, the conversation boiled down to arkOS, Raspberry Pi and SeaFile yet again.
Troubles with installing beta software leads to lots of learning. Chris has learned much about Linux and sampled a few distros. Yet, he still has much more to learn.
OpenBox is the amazing desktop environment/windows management for linux that has won Chris’ heart.
Macbook battery cycling is supposedly serious business if you want your battery to last. A lesson learned the hard way.
Weight Watchers points will not allow you to purchase a Behringer Ultragain Pro Mic2200. Fortunately, Paul was able to get one as a birthday gift.
Chris has found a way for a diabetic, and most likely a healthy mammal to commit suicide. Simply eat this pie from Red Robin.