June 8, 2014
It’s time to get back on the Sauce. This week, we’re back to Paul and Chris, Canadiéno-e-Americáno.
Chris vents about using PixPlant, an app to make seamless textures and maps.
These Futurama references to the reptilian space Pope & zombie Jesus are so quick it will take the links longer to load than to play. play.
SeaFile is a self-hosted drobox-like service that Paul is trying out because OwnCloud is a bit slow on the Raspberry Pi.
Turn your Raspberry Pi into a router? Why not, Chris is already pushing his routers with the open source dd-wrt installed on them.
Paul tells Chris not to worry about his routers because Samba sharing isn’t the greatest anyway.
As night falls in the Midwest, Paul’s picture fades to black in Skype which brings back memories of bad school portraits to Chris. Remember those reflection style portraits?
Chris wonders why anyone would buy a Macbook Air, but Paul thinks mobility is the reason. Who wants to lug around a 17 inch laptop these days? Here’s a Macworld article featuring one idea.
Chris and Paul talk screen size for working and mobile.
Kingdom of Loathing, a hilarious parody of RPG games that is multiplayer fun.
Constantine is coming to NBC in the Fall.