I Need More Cake Baking Appliances


It’s time to get back on the Sauce. This week, we’re back to Paul and Chris, Canadiéno-e-Americáno.

  • Chris vents about using PixPlant, an app to make seamless textures and maps.

  • These Futurama references to the reptilian space Pope & zombie Jesus are so quick it will take the links longer to load than to play. play.

  • SeaFile is a self-hosted drobox-like service that Paul is trying out because OwnCloud is a bit slow on the Raspberry Pi.

  • Turn your Raspberry Pi into a router? Why not, Chris is already pushing his routers with the open source dd-wrt installed on them.

  • Paul tells Chris not to worry about his routers because Samba sharing isn’t the greatest anyway.

  • As night falls in the Midwest, Paul’s picture fades to black in Skype which brings back memories of bad school portraits to Chris. Remember those reflection style portraits?

  • Chris wonders why anyone would buy a Macbook Air, but Paul thinks mobility is the reason. Who wants to lug around a 17 inch laptop these days? Here’s a Macworld article featuring one idea.

  • Chris and Paul talk screen size for working and mobile.

  • Kingdom of Loathing, a hilarious parody of RPG games that is multiplayer fun.

  • Constantine is coming to NBC in the Fall.

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