The Podcast

Interviews with makers, creatives, and friends. Also, strange quizzes about 80s actors.

Dudes... or Something


Episode 3 is here at last so that you can listen to Paul and Chris slaughter the younglings. Wait! No, we didn’t do that. Anakin, you’re hurting me!

What we did proceed to talk about, actually, was a mini-review of Agents of Shield, and its similarity to the TV / Movie Star Trek crossover stories: Michael Dorn probably has more money from Star Trek than the Roddenberry estate.

We also touch on lots of other fun stuff:

The Cupcake Conundrum


In Episode 2 (or should we call it “Season 2 Episode 1?”) Chris and Paul talk again about movies, and mobile devices. We also touch on our friends at the NSA, cloud computing, privacy, and cops. The people, not the TV series.

Also, this is the debut episode for the latest game that’s sweeping the nation: “How Dutch is Your Mom?”

Here’s some more info on our topics:

The Floating Head

You Killed Chekov!


In this, the inaugural episode of Montreal Sauce, Chris and Paul discuss a variety of movies and TV shows, followed by a small fanboy-v-fanboy discussion of iOS and Android.

Frankly, this is probably the description of every episode. But with practice, we’ll come up with great new ways of putting those words together.

Also, there’s already a Montreal Sauce drinking game: take a shot every time Paul says “Right, Exactly.” But you don’t have to play by taking shots of actual Montreal Sauce - you can use any liquor you have handy.

A few links you may find helpful, if you’d like more information:

Getting Started

We’re going to be launching soon. Stay tuned, and subscribe to the RSS feed below!