Shatner Infomercial
MP3Livin’ it up, on the Montreal Sauce show. Talkin’ bout politics. Talkin’ ‘bout, crazy cool medalions. Talkin’ it up. On the Montreal Sauce show.
And by “politics”, I actually mean trucks, science fiction, and diabetes diets. You know, stuff!
- Zoidberg from Futurarma doing woop woop woop for 11 minutes. Just because.
- The very entertaining William Shatner’s audio book Shatner Rules.
- Paul’s cough mute switch.
- The massive GMC Arcadia and the Chevy Equinox.
- Grumpy old man, we liked him. We love him!
- Chris has been reading The Laundry Files series buy Charles Stross.
- 2013 Doctor Who Christmas special trailer.
- Sherlock series 3 trailer goodness.
- Chris thinks George Lucas is wipe crazy! Someone please stop him.
- The Book of Dave, a book set in far away future where religion is based on a London cabbie’s diary. Chris has yet to finish it thanks to the language created by the author and the additional British slang.
- Helix trailer, a new show by Ronald D. Moore.
- Paul talks about his first impression of the Raspberry Pi and the arkOS.
- Scanner Pro, the app that “scans” with your camera and can upload over WebDAV.
- Chris laments about his old iMac. More boring info about it can be found on his blog.
- The D-Box gimmick featured in many theaters.
- Movie palace brief history on Wikipedia or a decent history lesson on the movie palace can be found here.
- Ishtar. Some call it the Big Lebowski of the 80s and others call it the worst comedy ever.
- Remember the Wendy’s Superbar? Here’s a quick link supplied by Google.
- MyFitnessPal, the current calorie monitoring web app Chris uses to monitor his sugars.
- Stevia is the recent sugar substitute Chris is trying. It’s actually a plant, but there still may be some issues.
- Netflix documentaries recommened by Chris, Chasing Ice and Glow: The Story of the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling.
- The Neutral podcast.
- Chris has recently played Diablo III and he has stinky pants.
- A free, and fun RPG parody game, Kingdom of Loathing.
- From the makers of the above KOL is another fun game called Word Realms.
- Chris’ tee shirt in this episode was another on from the Venture Bros. collection.