This is the second half our conversation with artist & developer, Jen Montes. We discuss being multilingual, Puerto Rico, Python, GitHub, and poutine. Jen currently works on the TV show Archer.
Chris tries to show off, saying he learned Spanish from watching, Home Alone in Mexico.
Jen grew up in Puerto Rico which reminds Chris of a recent Last Week Tonight video on voting rights in U.S. Territories.
The Insular Cases are the awkward Supreme Court documents that surmise people in territories under the control of America do not receive all the rights guaranteed in the constitution.
Jacob is looking forward to ES6 Harmony the sixth edition of Javascript.
Jen is interested in the way Tent and the Indie Web movement are working. She hopes to build a personal site that interacts with other networks, but all her data is in one central place.
One project Jen is working on is a file browser for the nifty, dropbox-like Syncthing.