Sauce Packet: Star Trek Discovery Season 2


The last time Paul & Chris got together to do a short show minus any guests, they talked Star Trek Discovery. How fitting that the first Sauce Packet of this year is talking about season 2 of the show. Oh, and we’re sorry that the “short” show went long, but we had a lot to say about Time Crystals. Please Red Angel, go back in time and give that MacGuffin a better name.

  • The thrilling start of our episode is us trying to pronounce a name in the chat room. You can join us during our live recording via our Live page. We usually tweet, toot, and post upcoming shows on Patreon.

  • What’s a chat about Star Trek with Paul without Darmok and Jalad?

  • Chris shares his distaste for the actress playing Michael because of her Walking Dead days. He spent a lot of time doing recaps called Mocking Dead.

  • Chris’ partner has issues with the organization structure of Starfleet. This is an issue that often comes up on Random Trek.

  • We talk of the original series callback of the pilot, The Cage.

-The Masters of the Universe episode of Film Frown was too much fun and why we referenced it.

Thanks for listening! We appreciate your ear holes and your smiling face.

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